Threat Intelligence

Threat Intelligence
Danabot Phishing Scam

Danabot Phishing Scam

December 27, 2018

Yet another sensational Phishing operation has been identified, and is…

Trojan-Infected Google Play App stealing Users’ Money

Trojan-Infected Google Play App stealing Users’ Money

December 26, 2018

A fraudulent app impersonating a phone call recording functionality in…

Best malware scanner Banking Trojan

Banking Trojan that sniffs out browser and password history

November 14, 2018

The banking trojan malware was known to have first appeared…

Cloud Security Services

Cloud Security Services: How Secure Are They?

July 17, 2018

Cloud Security Services: How Secure Are They? The steady rise…

Trojan-like Chrome Extension Steals Bank Account Data

Trojan-like Chrome Extension steals Bank Account Data

June 27, 2018

Visiting Google, Apple, Amazon or other legitimate online markets for…

financial Trojan

Bolek malware– the latest generation of financial Trojan

October 24, 2016

Bolek malware is a new generation of financial trojan with…

New Financial Malware – Banking Trojans

New Financial Malware – Banking Trojans

August 21, 2016

Denis Makrushin, a security expert at Kaspersky Lab. has published…

Banking Malware

Evolving Banking Malware and Transaction Authentication

July 26, 2016

Banking malware families and variants are constantly evolving, bank transaction…