Cyber espionage is the name of the game as art of warfare has shifted from physical to cyberspace; we only see this in the movies and now a reality when state sponsored hackers are finding its way into the cyberspace for supremacy, and once again a mysterious hackers repurposed and recycled sophisticated cyber tools from N.S.A, and used for counter attack there were several previous instances in which malware was unleash in public and subsequently picked up by anyone who wants them and use it in more destructive way worldwide.
Turn of events
There is truth to the fact that we are no longer safe, everything can be shared or exposed online, and we cannot be positive if United States sophisticated cyber weapons are by intent placed over the net. It is then tough for the United States to keep track of the malware they have created as they are unable to keep them under lock and key. The cyber weapons already leaked have been used against millions of average citizens and thousands of businesses including factories and hospitals and there are more attacks expected which leaves companies of all size and industries remain vulnerable and at risk. Traditional security approaches are no longer adequate to prevent cyber-attacks. With Shadow Brokers’ ongoing release of stolen NSA tools that are captivating for hackers, but extremely treacherous for individuals, businesses and countries.
Shadow Brokers known affiliated attacks
The most notorious Chinese contractor Shadow Brokers came to public attention in August 2016 when they mounted an unsuccessful attempt to auction off a set of older cyber-spying tools they said were stolen from the NSA. Since then the group has been dumping exploits and tools collected, stockpiled and used by the NSA hacking group Tailored Access Operations (TAO). Among other things, those dumps have so far exposed major vulnerabilities in Cisco routers, Microsoft Windows and Linux mail servers They also claimed to have exploits for web browsers, routers, smartphones, data from the international money transfer network Swift and “compromised network data from Russian, Chinese, Iranian, or North Korean nukes and missile programs”. Likewise delivered the exploit that the authors of the WannaCry ransomware used to infect an estimated 400,000 computers in more than 150 countries – launching what was probably the biggest ransomware outbreak in history.