Canada’s Indigo Books & Music impacted by a cyberattack

February 13, 2023
Canada North America Indigo Books and Music Cyberattack Website Down System Disruption

One of the largest bookstore chains in Canada, Indigo Books & Music, suffered a cybercriminal attack earlier this week, which affected the company’s website. The threat campaign has also affected the bookstore’s customers, especially their book-shopping experience.

The precise cause of the attack is still a mystery to many relevant individuals. However, the Canadian bookstore is still not removing the possibility that the attack may have stolen their customers’ data.


The Indigo Books & Music company implemented a cash-basis policy for customers who want to purchase from their stores.


Last week, Indigo Books & Music company announced that technical issues within their company had prevented them from accessing their website and customers should only pay cash to buy their products.

Moreover, the company has also temporarily ruled out the gift transaction feature for safety purposes and that there might be delays with the online orders from their shops.

The company announced that its computer systems were the subject of a cyberattack, which they have been investigating since the incident happened.

As of now, Indigo has yet to reveal the type of cybersecurity campaign that struck them but disclosed that they are trying to determine if the hackers reached their customer data.

Unfortunately, there is another possibility that the attack is a ransomware campaign, as Indigo claimed they are working to restore their systems. This detail is a typical result of a data breach for ransomware, as hackers steal data and threaten the victim of publishing the stolen information unless they receive a ransom payment.

Indigo Books & Music has been earning approximately a billion Canadian dollars annually, which increases the chances that a ransomware attack has targeted them.

The company’s primary products are toys, beauty & wellness items, magazines, infant supplies, electronics, and books.

Some researchers claimed that the hackers might have utilised the company’s customer data from an infostealing malware to gain access to Indigo Books & Music’s network. However, it is still early to come up with conclusions since there is still an ongoing investigation, and the company has not yet released any information about the intrusion’s nature.

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