‘HackBrowserData’ infostealer attacks critical entities in India

March 29, 2024
India InfoStealer Smartphones Cyberespionage Data Theft

Governmental bodies and energy corporations in India are facing a sophisticated cyber espionage campaign leveraging an information stealer (infostealer) tool known as ‘HackBrowserData.’ This espionage effort, discovered by cybersecurity researchers, introduces a grave threat by targeting sensitive information stored within web browsers.

The modus operandi of ‘HackBrowserData’ involves extracting crucial data such as user login credentials, cookies, and browsing histories, posing a substantial risk to both governmental and corporate entities. Its discovery came to light following the detection of a phishing email masquerading as an invitation from the Indian Air Force, alerting researchers to the covert infiltration tactics employed by the threat actors.

Utilising Slack channels under the guise of ‘FlightNight,’ threat actors strategically circulated stolen internal documents, emails, and browser data. This operation, dubbed “Operation FlightNight” by researchers, underscores the calculated and persistent nature of hacking operations targeting Indian government sectors that oversee IT governance, national defence, and electronic communications.


Both governmental and energy sectors in India face data compromise, heightening economic and national security concerns.


The implications extend beyond governmental areas, with energy companies finding themselves in the crosshairs of this malicious campaign. The compromise of financial documents, personally identifiable information (PII), and critical oil and gas drilling data amplifies concerns regarding the broader economic and national security implications.

In total, the breach led to the exfiltration of approximately 8.81 GB of sensitive data, raising fears of potential further intrusions into India’s governmental infrastructure. However, amidst these discoveries, cybersecurity researchers have collaborated with Indian authorities, sharing invaluable research to mitigate the impact and aid those affected by these malicious attacks.

As India confronts these challenges in digital security, the need for strengthened cybersecurity measures becomes increasingly urgent. The problem emphasises the significance of remaining vigilant and implementing proactive defence strategies to protect against evolving digital threats.

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