Angling Direct, a large fishing gear shop in the UK gets hacked

December 13, 2021
Angling Direct Fishing Gear Shop UK Hacked Europe Online Store

Angling Direct, a large-scale fishing gear shop in the UK, has been hacked by malicious threat actors, and its website was compromised, which caused the redirecting of visitors to adult websites. According to the shop, their online platform was struck by a hacking incident last Friday.

In addition, they also noted that these hackers have also compromised their Twitter account. Still, after knowing the situation, they have called immediate help from cybersecurity experts and alerted law enforcement authorities.

On the fishing shop’s Twitter account, the hacker posted an insulting tweet claiming that they had sold the company to the famous adult website Pornhub. Furthermore, the hackers seem to tease the shop’s owner by trolling them with a message that shows, “Your data has already been transferred”.

Angling Direct has confirmed all the personal information compromised and payment data that was exposed. Fortunately, the hacker also posted an email ad where they could be contacted, along with an offer to return the stolen information and access the hacked site. Also, there are no demands or ransom made in exchange for the retrieval of access.


The employee of the fishing gear shop got phished by hackers.


This hacking incident may be a harmless type of phishing, but law enforcement should not overlook this. Although everyone is aware that an immature person or a teenager did this hacking, this can be a potential threat if left unnoticed.

According to researchers, stolen employee login credentials pave the way for the hackers to take over the entire website and the company’s Twitter account.

Unfortunately, the fishing shop is losing a lot of revenue from potential sales because customers might be embarrassed by being accidentally redirected to the adult porn site. Furthermore, the trust and safety of their customers might be affected by this incident.

The company stated that they are mindful of their obligations regarding the stolen data. Still, it is very early to identify this hacking incident’s total impact on their customer’s data. But the important part is the hacked company does not hold their client’s financial data.

The fishing gear shop posted on Facebook that they are very sorry and assured everyone that they would clear things as soon as the investigation is done.

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